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- "A life without a bit of craziness is not worth living". - I'm a thinker, even though I often live life with less thinking. - "Rules are made to be broken."

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I dare to be different!

I dare to be different!

It brings me joy and it brings me pain... It makes me weak and it makes me strong. It elevates me next to all of those "others" who are misunderstood and set aside.
But I dare to try, to give and to love. Because, sometimes, all you can do is love.... even if you are not loved in return.

Someone has to be the "cry for change" of our generation. Let it be me! Let it be us!

I dare to be different! Do you?

I dare to speak, even when I'm ignored.
* Because if people will not hear me, then mountains will; and the mountains last longer.

I dare to think, even when I'm supposed to conform.
* Because one can shackle my body, but not my spirit or my thoughts in an "8 to 5" (or 24 hours) job.

I dare to reinvent myself to the bewilderedness of others.
* Because even when I'm misled, I still get wiser.

Denisa Dobrin (Febr. 2013)

The coolest stuff - my quotes and random thoughts

·         Think. Remember. Plan. Strategize.  Visionize.

·         Religion/Faith  is always open to interpretation. Some strongly believe, and some strongly believe that they absolutely don't believe in anything. I believe one should respect, or at least be open to listen to both sides equally.

·         Sometimes all you can do is love; even if you are not loved in return.

·         It's usually a long road from respect to stupidity; but some just like to run it faster than others. Thank God I'm not much of a runner!

·         It doesn't hurt me that you "don't want to be my friend"; what hurts me is to see that you think you have enough true friends to dispense so easily of a valuable one.

·         Being my friend is a privilege, not a free for all offer. By the same token, I'm honored to be your friend.
·         The further you walk away from me, the closer you arrive...
·         Ideas: - Spider silk clothes. "Day trips to anywhere"
·         My purpose in life is to make memories; mostly good.

·         Someone told me once that I live in a fairytale... Life is reality + the reality of what you are able and want to accomplish. So who in their right mind would ever voluntarily choose to live all their life in a nightmare? 

·         You should never give up on the people who never gave up on you.

·         It's not how much you sleep, but how you use when you're not sleeping that determines the outcome of your endeavors and defines your life. (me, Oct. 13, 2011)

·         Somebody once said that "our time is like the rainbow"; all the colors of life come together and become either two: white and black, or three: past, present and future. – Denisa

·         So many times I feel like God loves me; but ... he just doesn't love me ...ENOUGH.

·         Life shouldn't be about finding ways to forget about the people you love.

·        There's a huge difference between understanding that "No means No" and accepting "No" for an answer.  The only times you should take "No" for an answer without questioning it are: 1. when you don't care about the outcome and 2. when you are ready to give up. The world is full of negativity; question is what do you do about it? How do you handle it?There are so many "No"s I had to fight to turn into "Yes"-es to get to where I am in life and to accomplish all I have.

·         "Make peace with the past, so it doesn't ruin your future".
·         Every man carries in himself the value of his own life.

·         Life is too short to stop smiling.

Half moon lit and winds - a bit; city skyline from the cockpit.
Ghostly thoughts I try to soar past... They still cast their gloomy forecast.
Left behind my worldly rowds,
Night flying, amongst the clouds...

·         "It's a terrible crisis, mon'cher!..."

·         Most take a little bit of nothing from everything.

·         A jerk is offended even before you open your mouth.

·     Nobody's perfect. What you choose and want to see in a person sometimes makes the difference between love and hate.

·         It's amazing how a great teacher can make even a boring graph fun!

·         Lack of communication never solved any problem.

·      The definition of insanity is true only when you discount the learning part. Stop; communicate; try again. Or "move on", thinking that you are always right and the other person is always wrong. You will learn nothing, and make the exact same mistakes with someone else.

(Denisa Dobrin, started in 2011

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I always thought it was about trust.

But it's not at all about trust. It's about belief. It's about testing yourself. It's about caring.
It's about how quickly you can build that close relationship with somebody you've just met. The kind of relationship that usually takes years and years in the making. It's about hope. The hope that somebody wants to know you bad enough and well enough that they won't be capable to hurt you. It's about what it takes to intrigue a random individual into wanting to really get to know you. It's about getting close, and lifting barriers, and making connections. Real connections.
It's not about trust. It's about hoping that this particular individual gets to care. How quickly can you get someone to truly care?
How quickly can you make somebody see the human inside you?

A true artist doesn't demand friendship and trust. They expect it; they hope for it; they test it - at the price of their own demise.
Testing trust means confronting your own fears. Especially when it comes to somebody you hardly know and who hardly knows you. You strive to figure out what you can do to make them want to know you better. And so you give them your full trust hoping they will give you the same. You trust that if you give you will receive. That's what a true artist does. A true artist gives.
And every time the public does not reciprocate the artist dies a little bit.
But the whole point of art is to challenge. And trust is probably the ultimate challenge.

So even if you don't like the art, respect the artist. Because that artist trusted you enough to allow you into their most vulnerable "home": their most intimate thoughts. That artist trusted you; and gave.

If human behavior is anything to go by, somebody will take advantage of that trust at some point. Don't let that mischievous person be you. Don't be the one who killed art with your ignorance and lack of care. Don't make your moment of zen be the death of an artist.

If an artist dares to give, dare to receive. Dare to pass forward. Dare to respect. Dare to contribute. Dare to grow. Dare to open your heart to the possibilities of hope and perfect trust between perfect strangers.
It only takes one asshole to put everyone in the ditch. It only takes one stupid excuse to end creation.

I'm an artist at heart. And I give, hope and trust. I don't demand all of that back. But I expect it. And if I am to ask for anything...: don't let me down. Don't let me die. Don't kill my zeal. Nurture me. Be my muse. Reciprocate.
Love me, as I love you. Trust me as much as I will always trust you. Build and reinvent. Hope. Create.

It does mean being an idealist, a little bit. But that's just being human. That's just admitting that you're vulnerable. Because you are. We all are. And if you can't acknowledge that... Well, you're not letting me down; you're not lying to me. You are only lying to yourself. It's self deception. And that is a whole other kind of art.